Book review by John Timothy Collins Kitchen, New Zealand Journalist.

'Letters from Another Galaxy' is the second novel from New Zealand author Steve Radich and marks his debut  in the science fiction genre.  It is one of those intense, well crafted works that  always leaves the reader wondering with awe how the author could possibly carry such a complicated three-dimensional story structure, assemble it and resolve it.  Because complex it is. There are many interwoven strands of individuals, male and female, experiencing in various time zones and gravitational  levels the sometimes painful transitions to their new Galactic realities.  The serial repetition of their evolving histories  leads the reader begging to know the resolution.  The technological detail is thick and provoking, the subtle political inferences are just as clever. Looking intently one recognises the historical allegories that the author is drawing, at which  he kindly hints in his dedication to the indigenous tribes of New Zealand.  There's a Swiftian  feel to some of the episodes, the climate can become both quite vicious and lascivious.The language manipulation and picture stimulants are amazingly good, I can only imagine how much work went into inventing phrases like "owl like octopus" and " a Gaudi castle drawn by Escher".  The over arching tightly drawn narrative streams strongly to solid conclusion. Well done Mr Radich.

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